Business Intelligence - Data Science/Analytics

Inhibitors for Big Data is the lack of professional data scientists. These specialized skills are in high demand for their ability to extract sought-after information from large datasets and present them in a way that decision makers readily understand, see the value, and act upon.
Data from specialized instrumentation, numerical simulations, and downstream manipulations must be collected, indexed, archived, shared, replicated and analyzed. These tasks are not new, but the complexities involved in performing them for terabyte or larger datasets (increasingly common across scientific disciplines) are quite different from those that were applied when data volumes were measured in kilobytes. The result is a computational crisis in many laboratories and a growing need for far more powerful data management tools, yet the typical researcher lacks the resources and expertise to operate these tools.
Our goal is to enable organizations to derive greater insight and economic value from Big Data. The shortage of talent is widely believed to be the biggest block to the wholesale adoption of Big Data by Industry. Extended Results Data Scientist Services has the ability to analyze massive data sets generated by Web logs, sensor systems and transaction data in order to identify insights and derive new data products.
We love Big Data at Extended Results. Every customer we work with has unique needs and we cater our services and solutions to meet those needs. Contact us for more information on how Extended Results can help you find value in your Big Data.